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12 months ago

The Babadook

a review by MovieGuys

The Babadook is one of those elusive horror films, that's open to broad interpretation.

My personal feeling have watched the whole film in the context of the single mothers predicament, is the real monster is the spectre of domestic abuse. Abuse that happens when a fundamentally decent person, is pushed too far by life and circumstance.

I will warn you, this film is most definitely not for everyone. If, like me, you don't like films, that emulate the abuse of animals, you might want to give this one a hard pass.

That said, there is a lot to like in The Babadook. Its a grimly realistic insight into how life's tragedies can compound and grow, beyond the first tragic event.

Acting too, as is so, so often the case with Australian films, is of a very high standard. Its easy to be drawn into the unfolding, sad tale of a struggling mother, who suddenly finds herself single, sad and alone, with a young son to support.

In summary, quite brilliant, in a dark, at times sad and depressing way. By no means an easy watch but certainly a haunting one, that will remain with you, long after the closing credits.