"Vector" clad simply in a spacesuit and with a polythene goldfish bowl for an helmet finds himself stranded on the moon. Luckily, he has loads of gadgets at his disposal but he's so inept that most of the time he just flails about as if he were in a Laurel & Hardy movie. It's then that he encounters a bespectacled and friendly "Minion" but in typical human fashion becomes immediately hostile refusing to co-operate with his potential yellow ally. What now ensues is a rather characterless animation that reminded me a little of those over-narrated 1950s Disney cartoons with a scientific aspect to them. Let's learn about gravity, or aerodynamics, or rocketry - or, maybe just: let's learn about collaboration and not making snap judgements. There's quite a fun guest appearance at the end from a visitor from even further away, and it's an easy enough nine minutes of Illumination artistry to watch - just nothing to write home about.