The Tyrant King is to my mind, a rather timid historical expose of the life of King Henry 8th of England.
For the most part this film dwells on your standard "Henry" fare. Henry dumping or chopping off the heads of numerous wives, his destruction of the Catholic church in England and how those advisers close to him, could well end up paying with their lives, if they met with the Kings displeasure.
What I don't think it really accomplishes, is to give full scope to the extent of Henry's cruelty and destructiveness. The man had people boiled alive, halved drawn and quartered, whilst causing the untimely death of tens of thousands of his subjects, over the course of his rein. Not to mention leaving a legacy, that led to further suffering and death on a large scale, for the time. A lot of which was down to religion.
In summary, quite watchable and a good introduction, for those who know little, about this period in British history. For the more informed, its hardly revelatory, coming across as an historical overview and little more.