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about 1 year ago

Trick 'r Treat

a review by whitsbrain

I love anthologies. A well told short story is better than a long story arc or a drawn-out character study way more often than not. So, when Trick 'R Treat came along, it proved to me that while it's not something the majority of the population wants to see, there are filmmakers out there who still value the format.

It's too bad then that Trick 'R Treat wasn't more of a treat. It looks great and it has its entertaining moments. I mostly enjoyed the story of an odd girl who gets her revenge from some unlikely assistants and a man who has to deal with a strange trick or treater. Unfortunately, these stories aren't the most original things you'll ever see. They are more a tribute to urban legends and other Halloween clichés. The way that the four stories are intertwined is different. It's not a Creepshow-style format as there is nothing that truly divides the stories. Trick 'R Treat is well done but it's not particularly exciting.