Burt Lancaster is on great form here as the eponymous quick-talking and charismatic hoover salesman who alights upon the successful industry that is "Sister Sharon" (Jean Simmons). She preaches the word of God with a piousness that he finds compelling. Not because he shares her zeal, but because he can see the impact it has on the rather sheepish population who turn up at her prayer meetings in their thousands - and donate for the work of the Lord in just as generous a fashion. Initially, the Sister is sceptical but she underestimates his charms and his persevering nature. He, too, does some underestimating of his own and pretty swiftly they are a formidable team of evangelising fund-raisers. He has his detractors, though - not least his jilted lover "Lulu" (Shirley Jones) who resents his new found success and happiness, and so determines to ruin it all for him. Question is - is "Gantry" really a changed man, or is it all just a façade? There's oodles of chemistry on display here between Simmons and an entirely convincing Lancaster that mixes religion, affection and plenty of wry humour as the two play a cat and mouse game that you just know how is going to end up. The writing is pithy and lively allowing these two, as well as Arthur Kennedy and Dean Jagger to deliver meaningfully to this story of indoctrination - but by whom and into what? We used to have a Church of Scotland minister when I was young that I thought was a bit puritanical in his sermon delivery - I suspect he might have watched this!