movie backdrop

about 1 year ago

Fast & Furious

a review by GenerationofSwine

Walker and Dominic are back, and this time Walker is a Fed.... so he went from cop to DEA to Fed if you follow the plot and in between them he was a criminal and....

... none of that really makes sense but just roll with it because it doesn't have to.

And in this one plot is about racing though mines and some scary Mexican gangster dudes who are killing off the old team for... reasons they really don't get into.

But the guy from 3 is in it, and it takes place before 3 and yet he's older which makes me wonder why he was hanging out with a high school kid in Tokyo Drift but none of this really matters because it's not about plot, it's about family.

I just can't wait for the one that they go into space. My wife says they don't do that, but, hey, there are 10 of them, they probably do.