"Holocaust 2000" ends at the point where the climatic action should actually be beginning: the plot details are all well established and now it is time for Robert to take decisive action to defeat Angel. But alas, no. This film is instead left in a position where nothing really works the way it ought to, especially in light of the more high profile horror films from the 1970's. These films, primarily "The Exorcist" (1973) and "The Omen" (1976), have an intensity about them which makes for compulsive and exciting viewing and the action set piece sequences will undoubtedly continue to retain a high shock value well into the future, but sadly that isn't the case here. What the filmmakers have managed to produce in this instance is an incredibly well paced film that lacks impact and isn't even particularly engaging or memorable and surely that is something of a regrettable and disappointing feat in itself.