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8 months ago

In Love and War

a review by Coco Sea

During WWII, it was easier to assist innocent people with escaping thugs. It only required physically hiding, guiding, and relocating them. Those living through that world war, as in 'In Love and War', seem luckier back then than some of us today.

Today, humin rights violators can have one under ongoing surveillance. Then, the lawbreakers see you wherever you go; violate privacy, and obsessively watch every second of your daily Life. Because of this type of surveillance, escaping them as Enrico was able to in In Love and War is nearly impossible. While Enrico had assistance from others, nowadays people around you who know you are a crime victim go along with those crimes and don't wish to be around you. While Enrico had the fortune of finding love in the midst of his storm, nowadays a normal relationship with another persin is not possible leaving you isolated and without hope.

In Love and War offers the happy reality that, during WWII, there were some people willing to help prevent the devastation and death of others. In this film, some even went out of their way to be neighborly to Enrico despite themselves facing danger. Wow, how lucky was Enrico to have a home and love in Italy (some crime victims today facing humin rights violations are not so lucky). Today, there are no heroes, only criminal enablers. The film's pace is both calm and inviting, leaving you to wonder what will happen next. The modestly handsome Callum Blue does a natural job portraying the film's writer, Eric Newby, the lead role.

I am glad that Enrico had the better experience. At the end of WWII, many were rescued by the USA (What if your humin rights violations today are happening in the USA? Who will rescue you?) If the Nazis had the technology then that exists today, WWII would never have ended. In the end, Eric and Wanda were fortunate indeed!