movie backdrop

11 months ago

When Harry Met Sally...

a review by r96sk

Well worth a watch, as anticipated.

'When Harry Met Sally…' is one of those films that I've heard a tonne about but without finding out anything tangible about the plot, the only thing in that regard that I knew was the Katz's Delicatessen location - not even the full scene, just the famous quote (out of context) from Estelle Reiner. Of course as a romcom drama you know mostly what you're gonna get, but this does have more to it in fairness; big fan of the time jumps, e.g.

Billy Crystal is great value throughout, amusing and even touching at moments. Same goes for Meg Ryan, naturally, who I know of only by name; I never remember her face for some odd reason. Carrie Fisher and Bruno Kirby, meanwhile, make for strong supports to the two leads.