This movie was pretty dumb, sometimes cool and had a few good laughs, which may or may not have been intentional. The multiple quick zoom shots on the mother's eyes in the hospital were so odd and about three too many. Tear drop transition into a bullet falling, very cool. Really enjoyed Kinnaman target shooting the hole for his face to peak through. The gang member clutching onto the top of Kinnaman's sick Mustang after being crushed and shot and then slowly sliding down the windshield with a comical blood smear sound, hilarious. Kinnaman barfs right after that and his barf looks super gross, all goopy and beige. Probably one of the most disgusting barf scenes ever set to film. Made me gag. Very convenient that the gang shootout happens at a location with a figure eight for Kinnaman to drive around, just like he trained for! Some of the car chase stuff was cool, but it was pretty silly when the cars formed into a car train and they were all shooting while moving along in a train. Choo choo! I think the most deranged and hilarious scene was when his dead son appears to him in the reflection of a hanging ornament with the wind-up toy melody playing and Kinnaman looks over and smiles while he is choking the gang leader to death. The movie closes with the mother visiting the son's grave, which by the way, has a toy train driving around the tombstone 24/7, and then the movie ends with what is essentially Kinnaman's revenge/suicide note scrolling across the screen. Truly bizarre.