Six years after "Ralph" and "Vanellope" put paid to the aspirations of the evil "Candy King", she's getting a bit tired and restless with their daily life in the arcade. He decides that he can use the internet to make her "Sugar Rush" game more exciting, but all they end up with is a broken steering wheel and a real struggle to get it repaired before the whole game is permanently unplugged! Off into the very fabric of the web they must travel where they encounter the "netizens" and "Yesss" - the ultimate in trend-setting. What i just didn't like here was the style of animation. It's very two-dimensional with some really basic background CGI effects to prop up an extremely dialogue heavy series of escapades that just reminded me of "Tron" with too many words. There are a couple of redeeming scenes that do shine a light on just how complex and intricate the functioning web actually is, but they are tangential to a weak story with two characters that look like happy meal toys. I didn't love the first one, bit it was way better than this derivative stuff.