Well last time the "Szalinski" (Rick Moranis) science machine managed to reduce their kids to the size of ants, this time round his gadget can make an apple the seize of a Buick! That's proven when it's near a person and an electrical charge - not a good thing for their mischievous toddler "Adam" (Daniel Shalikar) who ends up 100-ft tall, marauding through the streets with an enormous Teddy Bear, wreaking comedy havoc. How can they reduce him back to normal before the lights of Vegas attract him and even more chaos ensues? I suppose it's quite fun to look at things through the eyes of a small child - everything is bright, colourful and an intriguing plaything - but so much of the execution of this reminded me of a 1960s Godzilla film with really quite forced humour emanating from some cringeing performances and some seriously contrived attempts at keeping this from degenerating into a slapstick farce of a film. Moranis worked OK as the family-orientated geek last time around, here there is something almost desperate about his attempts to please. His bosses, his family, us... I think this genre works best when there's something natural to it, we smile or laugh because we want to, not because the director has left convenient moments where someone off-set would hold up a board. I'm not sure this ever really had any sequel value, but this is a feeble attempt I'm afraid and please let's keep "Wayne" away from any more gizmos.