Trapped in an airport by a meteorological "snowbomb", we are introduced to two people with the same name - "W. Davis". One, "Willa" (Meg Ryan) is trying to get to Boston with her rainstick; the other "Bill" (David Duchovny) is heading for a meeting with his new whizzkid boss in Austin. Why do we care? Well - in theory because the two used to date twenty-odd years ago and so after a little tentative, polite, conversation they decide to reminisce and drag us along for the ride. In practice - we ought not to care at all. Right from the start this has the look of a stage play to it - and not a very interesting one at that. The two are all we have to concentrate on as their narrative becomes more and more uninteresting, their characters become less and less engaging and were it not for the very occasional interventions of the airport voice - some sort of omnipotent diviner of truth and reconciliation, we might all be just plain bored. Essentially, this is simply an over-written and underwhelming 1¾ of contrived melodrama that includes just about every tragic emotion known to man, all a whilst surrounded by the least convincing CGI snow storm I think I have ever seen. There's little, or no, chemistry on display and it ends about four times more times that it needed to... If I ever met two people like this at an airport, I think I would need a very large bar! Trading on the names of two people very, very, far from their peak and I suspect it'd be more likely heads banging on the table this time...