"Lance" is the super-effective, suave and sophisticated secret agent and "Walter" is his "Q" type of undervalued supporting boffin. It's fair to say that the former man treats the latter with disdain - he doesn't, after all, ever have to actually take the field! Desperate to impress, "Walter" convinces "Lance" that he can make him invisible! Snag? Well, it's a much more reliable formula for turning a man into a pigeon! "Rats with wings"? Well as our escapades become gradually more surreal we learn that pigeons do, actually, have some neat skills that are positively useful in the espionage game - and they are going to be really helpful as the two have to work together to restore "Lance" to his sharp-suited self whilst also apprehending the baddies bent on world domination. There's way too much dialogue here, but the last half hour is quite entertaining with plenty of action, some daft humour and a few messages about teamwork, trust and inter-reliance to underpin the predictability of it all. The animation is a bit too linear for my liking, but it's still an engaging testament to brain complementing brawn that is watchable enough.