movie backdrop

11 months ago

Air Cadet

a review by CinemaSerf

This could almost be a training/recruitment exercise for the US Air Force as we follow the rather contrived relationship between "Maj. Page" (Stephen McNally), his independently-minded student "Ross" (Richard Long) and his estranged wife and new friend of his amorous young pupil "Janet" (Gail Russell). There is some fine aerial photography here, early jet aircraft put through their paces - bit the story and acting are very disjointed. It can't quite decide whether it's about the science, the disciplined training or the romance - and as a result it all rather misfires leaving us with a rather dull experience. It does give us the briefest of illustrations as to just how green some of these would-be pilots were - best exemplified by Alex Nicol's barely started shaving "Joe", but the rivalry between the two leading roles is too manufactured and Russell injects little by way of charisma into her role before a conclusion that I felt distinctly predictable - and sentimental. Maybe worth a watch for the planes - and an early outing for Rock Hudson, but not for much else, sorry.