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over 1 year ago

The Shack

a review by viha

As a person who doesn't believe in any sort of gods, somehow, I watched this movie. And I have to say that I almost regretted immediately the wasted time. But not fully, and here is why.

Disclaimer: I haven't read the novel; whatever I say pertains only to the movie. Please, do not refer to the book. This is not a review of the novel.

From the perspective of artistic value, the movie is pointless for a non-religious person.

The main point of the whole movie can be described as: "You must forgive, no matter what happens. There is the god's plan for everything and everybody. You must believe"

And my first and last question, "Why?" remained without an answer.

And perhaps, for some people, this sounds like a relief — a consolation to keep moving forward and live without regret for their actions and the things that happened to them and their loved ones, no matter how bad those things were.

But I refuse to accept this kind of life stance. I refuse to believe that our lives are already planned by someone or something else, and we cannot change anything. I refuse to believe that we don't choose and take responsibility for our actions. This conception deprives us of freedom because someone has already decided for us. And it is always so easy to say that something happened because of "God works in mysterious ways" and unfortunately, many people choose this way.

But I also have to admit that this movie gave me a really good understanding of how religion works in the world. How churches and other religious structures try to exploit people's weaknesses. Thanks for that.

If you already agree with my position and find nothing new here, I recommend not watching this movie and pass by