movie backdrop

over 1 year ago


a review by r96sk

2018's 'Halloween' is... good!

It is hard to keep up with all the continuity (or the lack thereof) of this franchise at this point, though this apparently a direct sequel to the 1978 original as it practically nullifies every other sequel that preceded it. Not a big fan of that, I never am (I much prefer the 'Fast & Furious' method of utilising every entry of the series, no matter how well receieved), but I guess in this messy franchise it made sense to do so.

Michael Myers still doesn't set the world alight for me as an antagonist, he is perfectly serviceable and does the job but personally I like my villains to have more about them. As in Myers doesn't have any great lines, any varying expressions, a dull look and a repetitive MO... he just doesn't do anything for me.

In terms of onscreen performances away from that guy, Jamie Lee Curtis is a cut above any of her co-stars here. I wouldn't say she is at her best in comparison with her prior showings in the series, though I'd still put this one near the top in that particular regard. Elsewhere, Haluk Bilginer is decent.