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10 months ago

Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3

a review by Per Gunnar Jonsson

I did indeed enjoy this movie but I have to say that I would have enjoyed it even more if it had not been such a comedy superhero movie.

It is full of silly, cringeworthy and, as usual with Hollywood nowadays, not very intelligent attempts at humor. Slapstick at best and mostly just annoying. Certainly not very funny a lot of the time. Sure occasionally I did laugh but that was about one out of three times.

And do not get me started about Quill. He’s a stupid, unfunny jerk. He so drags down these movies.

The movie does deliver when it comes to one very important aspect of superhero movies though and this is of course the action and special effects. I really liked them and most of my enjoyment of this movie came from this.

The story is actually quite okay though and it was kind of cool to get the story about Rocket.

The bad guy, well, he is really one of the best parts of this movie. Finally they managed to put together a real bonafide, megalomaniac, psychopathic and genocidal bad guy with lots of (bad) charisma.

Even if he, despite being a genius in creating all kinds of biological creations, including new species, could not fix his own face instead of wearing a silly latex mask. Seriously? That just the usual dumbass Hollywood script writing.

Overall though, this was a fun, special effects loaded, action roller coaster and, surprisingly enough when it comes to Marvel, not loaded with woke preaching.

And it was cool to see Sylvester Stallone again even if it was just briefly.

If they had toned down the silliness, or gotten someone intelligent to write the jokes, it would have gotten another star from me.