With an hurricane rapidly approaching, "Frank" (Humphrey Bogart) visits "Temple" (Lionel Barrymore) - the wheelchair-bound father of his late wartime buddy at his hotel only to find that it's temporarily under new management. "Johnny Rocco" (Edward G. Robinson) is a fleeing gangster and he's taken up residence while his escape is being organised. Needless to say there is a delicate dynamic at their hotel - with his friend's widow "Nora" (Lauren Bacall) treading on eggshells and Claire Trevor frequently stealing the scene as the drunken moll "Gaye". It's an hugely atmospheric thriller this. The sparing, pithily, delivered dialogue and the great use of the audio helps build this tension here aided by a strong effort from Barrymore; Bogart in his best less is more mode and Robinson doing what he did best - and here, quite effectively too. There's on-screen chemistry a plenty and a denouement that rounds things off with a deadly confrontation! Film-noir at it's best, this and if you can see it on a big screen then do.