movie backdrop

over 1 year ago

Charlie Countryman

a review by r96sk

There's a good movie in there, though 'Charlie Countryman' is weakened by a few of its elements.

Visually I enjoyed it, but the pace of the around 100 minute run time isn't the best. The story is hit-and-miss, there's certainly a plot in there somewhere that could be entertaining but it always feels held back by something... I think the love story kinda took me out of it a few times, especially as I didn't overly like (but didn't dislike) the performances of Shia LaBeouf and Evan Rachel Wood; LaBeouf is noteworthy emotionally at the beginning, though.

Mads Mikkelsen is the standout in my opinion, a fun performance from him. James Buckley and Rupert Grint, meanwhile, serve as decent comedic relief. Aubrey Plaza has a very minor (too minor) a role, while newcomer at the time Vanessa Kirby appears momentarily. It's a shame they ended up cutting John Hurt's narration, which could've been cool.