movie backdrop

over 1 year ago

Thematically, this movie has something to chew on. Unfortunately the metaphor used to explore the theme is constructed in a sloppy way that falls apart under any scrutiny. Well performed actions sequences are irrelevant to the progression of the theme and only serve to mark time between the tidbits of character drama spread out over the movie.

The superficial plot and setting similarities to The Matrix also bring these shortcomings into sharp focus. Whereas the former takes pains to communicate it's ideas to the audience with precise foreshadowing, EEAAO tries to throw as many ideas at you as fast as possible hoping that you won't notice they have no substance, and ultimately don't matter. The former has action scenes that are relevant to the theme, progress the story, and matter to the character's journey. The later simply has me waiting until they're over for the story to pick back up. It's not that there's nothing this movie has to say, it's simply afraid to say it without constant 'lol so random!!' memes.