"Blade" (Wesley Snipes) is now alone - surrounded by enemies bent on his destruction. Then, as luck would have it, he meets up with the "Nightstalkers", led by former vampire "Hannibal King" (Ryan Reynolds) and "Abigail" (Jessica Biel) who might just have developed a virus that could rid the world of vampires forever. To combat this threat, the vampires raise their king "Drake" (Dominic Purcell) and the battle lines are drawn in the ultimate fight for survival. Snipes is OK as a our leather-clad, mean, moody, hero but actually doesn't seem to feature so much - most of the action is driven by Reynolds who, whilst initially quite sarcastic and witty, rather overplays his hand and soon becomes just a bit too attitudinal; and Biel who appears to be on remote-control for much of her efforts. Purcell makes for quite a decent baddie, as does Parker Posey as "Danica Talos", though at times you do wonder if you should be shouting "boo, hiss" at the telly. There is plenty of fast-paced action throughout, but all in all this is just one, really pretty derivative sequel too many.