A pretty lame attempt to synthesise the old and the new as “Capt. Kirk” (William Shatner) and “Mr. Scott” (James Doohan) are invited to the maiden voyage of the latest USS Enterprise. Needless to say, it all goes wrong as they encounter an enormous energy ribbon that strikes the ship and mayhem ensues. Jump forward several years and “Capt. Picard” (Patrick Stewart) is now in charge of the ship and the TNG crew have to deal with Roddy McDowell, the mad scientist determined to recreate that sequence of events so he can reunite with his lost wife. “Picard” is reunited with “Kirk” in a sort of parallel timeline as they combine to try to defeat their foe. Sadly, we have now entered into the realms of "Star Trek" with "holodecks", "prime directives" and Gilbert & Sullivan - the fun, tongue-in-cheek elements are gone and it starts to take itself far too seriously. McDowell always did manage to carry off the "slightly deranged" roles well, but otherwise this runs out of steam for me after 15 minutes...