I hadn't seen this for over 15 years but as soon as the opening bars from James Horner's score hit my ears it all started to come back to me. This is a stylish adventure story that amalgamates lots of different themes from 1920s America - gangsters, aviation pioneering and a love story into a tale of good v evil and innovative science; we even have some Nazis! Bill Campbell is largely there for his looks, it has to be said - but as our daredevil hero "Cliff" he does inject some fun into the proceedings. He stumbles upon a rocket suit designed by Howard Hughes and decides to master it and put it to good use. Meantime, a comically menacing Timothy Dalton ("Neville Sinclair") is a British Hollywood actor who shamelessly rips off Errol Flynn movies (amongst others) and is prepared to pay some hoodlums handsomely if they can procure the gadget for him. From here on in, it's becomes a good family cat 'n mouser. Nothing onerous or unpredictable with the script; some decent special effects and classy aerobatics - as well as a nice character performance from Alan Arkin keep this all rolling along nicely.