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over 1 year ago

Dances with Wolves

a review by CinemaSerf

There are two actor of recent years that I really struggle with. One is Tom Hanks, the other is Kevin Costner. His monotonic narrative as he conveys this story via his journal makes this otherwise breathtakingly beautiful story frequently a real plod. He is "Lt. Dunbar" who after a very close shave with the Confederate troops during the US Civil War is posted to a far outpost where he finds himself living a solitary existence with only a wolf ("Two Socks") for company. That is until a passing warrior gets a glimpse of him at his bath and runs a mile. What now ensues is a gently paced story depicting his developing relationship with his neighbouring Sioux tribe. This film features a memorable John Barry score to accompany some fine cinematography, and the efforts from Graham Greene ("Kicking Bird") and a slew of other native American actors is excellent. It's just Kevin. He was the power being the production, and certainly had some skill directing it - but his acting... It is so soporific. He simply doesn't convey well the senses of loneliness, fear and joy that his character experiences as he gradually becomes subsumed into a new - sometimes rather brutal - identity. The story demonstrates and exposes the prevailing attitudes of both cultures towards the other, of their suspicions and mistrust - and were the "Dunbar" role to have been portrayed by a more heavyweight screen presence, then we could have had a memorable movie rather than just a long one. It is still good, though - just could have been doing with more oomph from the star.