Rarely can one movie be credited with resurrecting an entire genre of programming, but this one certainly reinvigorated media - and participatory - interest in the reputationally staid pursuit of ballroom dancing. The young, accomplished and handsome "Scott" (Paul Mercurio) is determined to get to the top and to do it his way. He is not content to stick with the status quo as defined by the ageing committee led by the buffoon that is "Barry Fife" (Bill Hunter). His parents are sceptical, but when he alights on "Fran" (Tara Morice) then the championships are in their sights and the rules are there to be broken. Baz Luhrmann allows the cast and the dancing to do the work here. The dialogue is earthy, and witty at times but for the most part there is plenty of dancing that illustrates well the tough regimen of discipline required to perform at the highest levels in what is generally considered a rather sedate pastime. There are strong supporting characters a-plenty - not least his mother "Shirley" (Pat Thomson) and rather shrinking violet father "Doug" (Barry Otto) to complement the really rather excellent Hunter (and his toupé). It packs loads into ninety minutes and uses a fine soundtrack to help keep the whole thing moving along entertainingly.