So the "Gamma Bomb" has done it's stuff and "Banner" (Edward Norton) has got to find some way to control his newly found, bodice-ripping powers - there must have been quite a bit of lycra in his trousers! Anyway, desperate for a cure and on the run from army general "Ross" (William Hurt) he alights on that man's daughter - and his ex-girlfriend - "Betty" (Liv Tyler) to help him sort himself out. "Ross" isn't the giving up easily type, though, and he engages the help of British killing machine "Blonsky" (Tim Roth). Tired of coming off second best in their battles, this man decides that he too must find a way to mutate - setting up the prospect of a battle royal between the two powerhouses of brute strength and terrible skin conditions. It's watchable, this, but I always found the "Hulk" stories amongst the most boring from amongst the comic characters. Norton enters into the spirit of things well enough, as does the always reliable Roth, but neither William Hurt nor the terribly sterile Tyler really add any richness to this otherwise procedural fantasy. The visual effects are efficient, the pyrotechnics likewise but the sum of these parts just doesn't really add up to much of an whole as it concludes in the only way it can. A triumph for the make-up department, certainly, but not really much else.