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over 1 year ago

Judas and the Black Messiah

a review by Ahmetaslan27

I haven't seen a dramatic movie that talks so clearly about the Black Panther Party, clearly its chief and its members are the conspiracy that was hatched by party members.

The movie talks about the rise and fall of the Black Panther movement. If you are a fan of dramatic films with a flavor of documentaries, you should watch the movie. For a period almost centuries ago, Americans with black skin suffered from obtaining their rights, and this was also forbidden to be reflected in a dramatic, dramatic or documentary film. In America on the issue of racism and addressing it, perhaps because of the demonstrations that took place in America after the killing of George Floyd by the American company and the return of racism again to the American street.

The film begins in 1969, one year after the assassination of Martin Luther King, King. This assassination changed many of the party's priorities and its goal became the overthrow of the US government by announcing the revolutionary struggle. That is why President Nixon decided during this period to eliminate the party by all possible means, legal and illegal.

Many American artists sympathized with the Black Panther Party during this period. For example, the artist Jude Fonda visited the party's headquarters and declared her support for the party. Even the international star Marlin Brendo gave a speech to a large gathering of party members.

Judas and the Black Messiah What is meant metaphorically by Judas in the movie is Bill O'Neal and the Black Messiah is Fred Hampton, and in general it is a projection of the story of Judas' betrayal of Christ and his handing over to the Jews.

Contrary to the image that we see in other films that talk about racism against blacks, the film didn't attack white people, but rather attacked certain American institutions. The movie tried to tell the story honestly without distorting history. We saw white groups join the Black Panther Party, and here the traditional form of this type of film was broken. There is no real conflict between whites and blacks.

There are a lot of revolutionary poetry and social justice, but the script was formulated correctly. The movie did not make us feel like a show movie, but rather it was a logical narration without adding spices. The story was told through the villain or the hero, and this added a new dimension to the movie. The film's director, Shaka King, performed a classy tribute to black women through the character of Deborah Johnson, and we saw how women help the men of the party in thought, knowledge, and armed struggle.

The performance of the actors in general was remarkable and worthy of appreciation, and there was a very beautiful harmony between the characters. Daniel Kaluuya performed the character of Fred Hampton with utmost brilliance and deserved the Golden Globe Award well deserved, as well as the wonderful performance of LaKeith Stanfield, which showed the contradictions of the traitor Bill O'Neal.

The characters I was most impressed with are Bill O'Neal, his looks are full of fear, anxiety, and a sense of shame, especially since Fred Hampton does not know his betrayal. Really It is one of the most successful movies in 2021