This is my kind of action animation. Two elves go on the hunt for the teeny weeniest bit of magic that might just enable them to catch up with their late father who passed away before they really got much chance to know him. What they didn't do before they set off on their quest, though, was tell mum ("Laurel"). She's narked - and worried - so elicits the help of the powerful "Manticore" and sets off in hot pursuit. It's good fun this, from start to finish. The combination of a strong adventure story full of myth, magic, peril (and totally devoid of romance) is complemented by some super animation and some wonderful creatures - including the hybrid scorpion/lion/eagle creature travelling with their almost as menacing mum. The script is entertaining and sparing - it's not just endless gibbering as our not particularly intrepid or heroic brothers try to reconvene with their dad before all it's just too late. It's a big screen delight this, and has plenty for the grown ups - especially if you are into legends - to enjoy too. Perhaps not the best title, but it's good stuff!