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almost 2 years ago

The Last Starfighter

a review by CinemaSerf

Just think back to when you spent hours on your Atari games console playing space invaders, without realising that one day you might save the world? Well "Alex" (Lance Guest), a bored teenager living in a trailer park doing odd jobs might just prove to be just such a man. Well, at least this is what "Centauri" (Robert Preston) thinks and leaving a perfectly plausible android doppelgänger in his place, recruits our young man to prevent the evil "Kril" (Dan Mason) and "Enduran" (Kay Kuter) and their overwhelmingly superior force of spacecraft from conquering us all. Can he do it? Can he thwart the cunning plan? It's quite a fun fantasy adventure this, Guest joins in wholeheartedly as does Preston and there are plenty of special effects to drown out the occasionally boo-hiss romantic elements with "Maggie" (Catherine Mary Stewart). There is plenty of humour, too - mostly from Preston and Guest makes for an easy on the eye hero for all to get behind. It's actually stood the test of time quite well, as many simple ideas do, and I really quite enjoyed it.