The relentless battles between apes and mankind are taking their toll, and forcing Caesar and his followers into the frozen wilderness where they encounter the megalomanic "Colonel" (Woody Harrelson). Tragically, coming off the worst at this meeting, the apes end up imprisoned by their new, ruthless, human masters - aided and abetted by some gorillas too - and used as little better than slaves. Adding to their woes, both sides know that an impeding visit by some heavily armed troops is not in either of their interests! It now falls to "Caesar" to come up with a plan to free his species before they are all wiped out. Whilst I did quite enjoy this, it's not as good as the "Dawn..." (2014). It takes far too long to get going and Harrelson has all the menace of a cucumber sandwich. There is just too much dialogue (and sentiment) and Matt Reeves struggles to build, let alone sustain, the pace and menace that he did so well last time out. Although it is a bit on the long side, the last hour largely makes up most of these deficiencies as the plan for vengeance takes shape and the pyrotechnics go into overdrive. Good, but not great.