I am not much of a fan of Sam Neill at the best of times, and he really did not possess the skills to be menacing at all here. Still, this is way better than the second in the trilogy. Now running his huge "Thorn" conglomerate, "Damien" sets out to thwart the newly born Nazarine baby whom, together with the sacred daggers, could still stop him becoming ruler of the world. In true Herodian style, he tries to make sure all boys born between midnight and 6 am on the fateful day die; but when he discovers that the true bairn lives much closer to home, he must get his own hands dirty. It's very much a hybrid of the first one this and it's too long, but it's nice to see Rossano Brazzi ("Barefoot Contessa" (1954) and "Italian Job" (1969) on screen again, and it does move along reasonably quickly to an ending that given it's called "The Final Conflict" really doesn't leave too much to our imagination. It's not great, but it's not rubbish either...