It seems that this film is almost as famous for the folks who didn't take part - Marlon Brando, Edward G. Robinson, Steve McQueen and even Ingrid Bergman, as for it's achievements as a thought provoking piece of cinema. I have always found that Charlton Heston's delivery tended a touch to theatrical monologue; but it really does work in this existential sci-fi story. Returning from a space voyage to Earth several thousand years after they left, the crew discover a planet (they are not even sure which one) ruled over by apes with their own sophisticated, hierarchical, though still agrarian, society. Heston is soon captured but luckily falls under the protection of two curiously-minded scientists "Zira" (Kim Hunter) and "Cornelius" (Roddy McDowell) who suspect that there is much more to their societal beginnings than are oft quoted in the sacred scriptures by "Dr. Zaius" (Maurice Evans). The juxtapositioning of ape and man make for some quite funny scenarios and over 50 years later it still poses some relevant questions about man's assumptions and behaviour towards the rest of life on our world.