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almost 2 years ago

Everything Went Fine

a review by Brent Marchant

Questions related to assisted suicide and the right to die have been debated hotly for decades, and proponents on each side of these issues have made passionate arguments for their causes. A number of fine films have addressed these issues, too, such as “Blackbird” (2018), “You Don’t Know Jack” (2010), “Whose Life Is It, Anyway?” (1981) and “The Barbarian Invasions” (2003). And now moviegoers can add the latest offering from writer-director François Ozon to that list. This fact-based drama about an elderly French stroke victim who asks his daughter to help him die examines the subject from a variety of angles, including the legal, medical, emotional and ethical considerations involved in carrying out such a highly charged act, and it does so with a great deal of integrity, authenticity and heartfelt feeling. It’s also one of the finest, most accessible offerings from a filmmaker whose works I believe often leave much to be desired. However, with that said, that’s not to say that this release is without its issues, such as several story threads that don’t feel fully resolved, as well as some occasionally strange camera work and seemingly superfluous narrative elements. Nonetheless, “Everything Went Fine” has much in its favor, including excellent performances by its three principals (Sophie Marceau, André Dussellier and Géraldine Pailhas), a comprehensive script, sustained pacing, well-placed moments of comic relief, and emotional impact without becoming manipulative or schmaltzy. If you can look past this offering’s minor shortcomings, you’ll come away from it having had a moving and insightful cinema experience, as well as a thoughtful meditation on when it’s time to stay and when to go.