Whilst Michael Winner has certainly assembled quite a formidable cast here, the story is itself pretty derivative and unremarkable. It all centres around Sheriff "Maddox" (Burt Lancaster) who pursues some ranch-hands to a neighbouring town after their boisterous behaviour resulted in the death of an old man. This town "Sabbath" has a marshal of it's own in "Ryan" (an underused Robert Ryan) who is a long time friend of the town's kingpin "Bronson" (Lee J. Cobb). Now the latter man is initially quite sympathetic to the plight of their visitor, but as it becomes clearer that there is no prospect of compromise, and that "Bronson" is not about to surrender his men, we are soon set on a collision course. The production has a quality to it, the on-screen charisma from both Lancaster and Cobb is effective and some effort has been made to imbue most of the main characters with some semblance of integrity - tempered, of course, by their years in this environment that was won and held at the point of a gun. That said, though, it's a story we have watched many times before. It is still a well constructed tribute to or reminiscence of a now dying genre that is worth a watch, even if it's unlikely to stay in your memory for long.