SUPERNATURAL THRILLER Director Singer and writer McQuarrie won't admit that it's a supernatural thriller, and insist it's just the goofy Hollywood movie it appears to be at first, but a few viewings will let you know that it is indeed a supernatural thriller. The story centers around five criminals who think they are gods, and therein lies the first clue to this being a sueprnatural thriller. Also, one of the men, Keaton, played by a Judd Hirsch look alike named Gabriel Byrne, is making a deal, along with his lawyer girlfriend, with some men in a high level restaurant. Upon a few viewings, you will realize that these men are not what they seem, because the lady lawyer eventually is seen making a "deal with the devil". The "devil" is known to the five men as a character called "Kaiser". The allusions to Caesar (which the word "kaiser" comes from) is a biblical reference to a supernatural evil. You will find out who the devil is when you realize that the biblical devil is incapable of telling the truth, and so everything he says is a lie. The five criminals all believe they can be "better devils". One of the five is actually a stand in for the female lawyer, for reasons you will know if you watch the film.