movie backdrop

almost 2 years ago


a review by Nathan

Going into Fall, I did not have super high hopes, and unfortunately it met my expectations. This movie attempts to be something far greater than it ever needed to be, resulting in a super bloated experience that just feels completely unfocused. The nearly two-hour runtime is entirely too long for a plot that is on the surface, fairly bare bones. But the screenplay attempts to deliver multiple subplots that are supposed to develop our characters, but all it did was take away from the tension that it was building. For every scene where I was gripping my chair waiting to see what will happen next, there is a scene where the two characters talk about their feelings for far too long. Furthermore, there are story elements that are either too convenient or exist solely as obstacles for the sake of obstacles which detract from the overall believability.

I do think Grace Caroline Currey is going to have a fantastic future in this industry, but her performance alongside Virginia Gardner left a lot to be desired. Currey did her best to save a pretty horrendous script, but it just was not enough. Despite this, the movie was directed fairly well, with great shots of the tower and of the action that was ensuing. The cinematography was fantastic, with beautiful skyboxes and sharp silhouettes of our protagonists that I particularly enjoyed.

Overall, I think this film would have been much better if it had stuck to being a cheesy thriller with a bare bones plot. All the extra filler really weighed down the overall experience.

Score: 35% 💩 Verdict: Bad