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almost 2 years ago

Evil Dead Rise

a review by Nathan

Evil Dead Rise puts a creative spin on the classic franchise while also remaining faithful to the core experience.

The story is not overly complex and admittedly somewhat generic, as the main characters find the Book of the Dead, read it, and all hell breaks loose. But the conditions surrounding this plot are what truly set it apart. For one, the high-rise setting was brilliant and created a very claustrophobic environment that worked really well. I found the earthquake to be an original idea not only for the discovery of The Necronomicon but also for the entrapment of our main characters.

Speaking of our cast, this film does a really great job of setting up these characters. I genuinely liked all of them, which made it difficult to see some of them go, unlike in Evil Dead (2013). The familiar bond between them was palpable, and this could not have been done without a fantastic cast. Alyssa Sutherland is by far my favorite Deadite in the entire franchise. Her motherly connection was haunting, her facial expressions, and mannerisms are nightmare fuel. Lily Sullivan was genuinely fantastic as a final girl. Her badass nature to defend the children is incredible, and she had some really great moments to stand out in the film. The kids overall did fine, nothing that was too amazing but nothing that took away from the film either.

The direction was my favorite part of the film by far. Lee Cronin did such a fantastic job with haunting camera work with subtle tilts and use of reflections. The action was top-notch, and the practical effects were amazing. So many scenes had me physically wincing with some insanely creative violence mixed with stomach-churning blood and wound effects. It is definitely a worthy successor to Evil Dead (2013) in the gore department.

Overall, this may not be the best in the franchise, but I think it is one of the most refined. The story lacks in some areas, but the direction, performances, and violence really cement this as one of the best horror films of the year.

Score: 84% ✅ Verdict: Great