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almost 2 years ago

Evil Dead

a review by Nathan

Evil Dead is one of the most brutal and disgusting films I have ever seen. I applaud the unique direction to take the franchise, which has previously embraced camp, into a super realistic and vicious horror film. The effects and gore are the best of the franchise, having a nearly 20-year gap between the previous entry. Some of the scenes go down as all-time greats in horror that have been cemented in my mind ever since. The bread cutter scene is just disgusting and done so well, I absolutely loved all of the blood that was used in these scenes. The story is not as fleshed out as the first or second film, but it does take unique directions that I can appreciate it. The use of a recovering drug addict was done really well and was an interesting motive to keep the cast at the cabin. The weakened state she was in made her the perfect victim to be the first possessed, which worked really well. The dialogue and acting were quite atrocious. Other than Jane Levy, everyone else was quite bad. The lines were corny and delivered in a somewhat awkward fashion. This made the twenty-minute rising action of the film to be quite lackluster, but luckily once the action gets going, there is plenty of things to distract you from it. Overall, this movie's visuals and horror carry the film to its rating. It unfortunately does not live up to the hype I once had for it as a 15-year-old boy, but it is still one of the better remakes in cinema history.

Score: 73% ๐Ÿ‘ Verdict: Good