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almost 2 years ago

Weathering with You

a review by Nathan

Weathering with You unfortunately doesn't live up to the masterpiece that is Your Name, but still delivers a heartfelt story with brilliant animation.

Many complain that they had trouble connecting with this story on an emotional level, and while I understand that complaint I slightly disagree. I think this story does a fine job at really making you care about the characters. The journey you take with them from poverty to some modicum of financial success is endearing and makes that tightknit family easy to root for. Where the story fails are in the details, mainly why Kataro Daigo ran away from home in the first place. What trials and tribulations led him down this path and why he is so hesitant to return? This small detail could have gone a long way to further that connection to the character. The overall story is fantastic, and while it has some very similar beats to Your Name, it does enough to differentiate itself. All the characters are unique, and their outcast natures makes them have a super close bound that makes each emotional moment that much harder. While the ending may be divisive, it delivered a sucker punch to my stomach drawing a tear from my eye.

The animation style is gorgeous once again, with this film allowing the artists to flex their weather animation effects to the max. So many rainy scenes were so incredibly detailed with reflections that seem too real for a simple 2D animation. I do think the film lacks a bit in diverse landscapes as it mainly focuses on the city of Tokyo, whereas Your Name spans from Tokyo to the Japanese countryside.

Overall, Weathering with You is an excellent addition to Makoto Shinkai's filmography. It is heartfelt, emotional, and an endearing story about struggle, family, and making the most of every moment. While it may not exceed its predecessor, it is still one of the better anime films I have ever seen.

Score: 88% Verdict: Excellent