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almost 2 years ago

Kill Boksoon

a review by CarsonTrent

Propaganda Piece

Use any weakness your opponent may have. This is the killer way (from Sun Tzu's - The Art of War). Netflix on the other hand knows that our weakness is K Drama. So in order to get its woke message of civilization deconstruction it cunningly wraps it up as an action movie. A cynical, glossy, over-dramatic mess of an action movie that is also quite full of itself. Western movie festivals proudly endorse it. After all it has been stamped by the rainbow people and they decide what art is nowadays. A weak K drama copy art-house wannabe stunk up by Woke town politics and weak action scenes which I will soon forget. But not forgive. A pity with all the talented cast.

I will not watch Netflix productions again. Hope they go under like Bud light, but I'm afraid it's too late for the US and Western Europe (some westernized Asian countries included). If you don't believe me or think I'm being unfair, watch Yuri Bezmenov's lecture on societal ideological subversion techniques and stages (demoralization-destabilization-crisis-normalization) on YouTube. To bring about societal crisis and further divide the population, you need to create oppressed groups, radicalize them and give them power. Introduce ideas of "equality" and "inclusion", demonize the police and erase religion to create new cults and ideologies. Turn all values upside down. Sounds familiar ? The process of western societal destruction has almost past the point of no return.

1* out of 10