movie backdrop

almost 2 years ago

Flight of the Phoenix

a review by drystyx

This could be one of those "so bad it's good" movies some day. It's a remake of the classic film about men in a hopeless situation when their small plane crashes in the desert. Hope comes back when one of the men reveals he can make an airplane, and the others believe him. In such a story, the subplots and side stories make the story. Here, the subplots and side stories are cartoonish and contrived. The characters are totally without motivation. One can almost see the actors wince about being part of such a horribly written story. In fact, one almost wonders if it was written for the purpose of some day being a "so bad it's good" story. I'm not sure. There really isn't any charm to this movie, no inspiration, no motivation, and that might be too bad to even make the "so bad it's good" list.