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almost 2 years ago

No Time to Die

a review by drystyx

Damsel in distress. Except that's what makes this film stand out as different from other Bond movies. It isn't a damsel in distress, but instead a child in jeopardy. 007 finds himself trying to protect the most innocent of creatures. Along the way, he goes through some high octane action sequences. And he fights against a villain using genetic engineering in a weird and deadly way. However, the biggest problems here are "predictability" and "horrible directing". The imagery is horrible. Even when there are exotic locales, there is not one cinematic second. It's all dull and tedious. The classic 007 films of the Connery and Moore era had cinematic beauty with exotic locales. In the era of Daniel Craig, this poor actor has to go through movies where the director can't even make imagery out of the most exotic locations. Why even film on locations? This may as well been done in the studio of Mr. Rogers and his neighborhood.