They tried hard to make this the worst movie ever. They at least made it the worst Bond movie ever by not only making it dull, without motivation, without strategy, without inspiration, without wit, but also by giving it the dumbest title ever (what is a "view to a kill"?) and the absolute worst theme song ever. A theme song that sounds like fingernails on a chalkboard, and that's the truth. It's the worst song Duran Duran ever did. It might be noted that no male artist should ever do a Bond song. The results are terrible. But it's mostly because the songs are written for a product instead of being inspired. Now, the story. Well, it begins with the issue of poorly bred horses being genetically maneuvered, which mirrored the actual events of the time, as it was during the later 80s when a very covert faction in Kentucky had closed meetings for an Equine club. To put it in a nutshell, some genetic engineering was obviously going on with the thoroughbreds. Six furlong sprinter Mr. Prospector was a big zero as a sire for the 10 furlong derby distance until the Equine club perfomed some covert acts. Either by genetic engineering or by early surgery to change the structutre of the Prospector foals. You see, Mr. Prospector was a Kentucky bred horse owned by the biggest farm in Kentucky. Well, that idea appears for a second in this movie, and is then never explained again, as if some big shots int he industry hushed it up. Meanwhile, Bond is paired with a plain Jane and the hot girls all get killed, to appease the female audience, and since about 1970, movie makers realized it was the women who decided what movies the family would watch in theaters. Christopher Walken is poorly used in this movie. He really doesn't do much. He's just an evil villain. There isn't any motivation to speak of for any of the characters. A lot of bang and boom that just gets dull and dumb. It's full of sound and fury, signifying nothing.