Matt Damon is on strong form here as the out-of-shape Nike basketball executive Sonny Vaccaro. At the usual routine selection meeting at the start of the season he realises that their paltry $250k budget isn't going to enable them to sign anyone with enough impact to lift his company from a distant third behind Converse and Adidas in the market. A bit of lateral thinking and some convincing of marketing VP Rob Strasser (a good effort from Jason Bateman, too) takes him before the bare-footed, grape coloured Porsche owning, Phil Knight - the CEO (Ben Affleck) with an off-the-wall plan to put all of their eggs in one basket and go for the upcoming Michael Jordan. Scepticism abounds, not least because the man's agent (Chris Messina) makes it clear that Jordan has no interest at all in signing with them. Vaccaro is not a man to take no for an answer and what now ensues demonstrates how his unorthodox methods, his honesty, determination and his ability to coax, cajole and persuade managed to create something that is not just the stuff of sporting history, but of visionary commercial history too. A few potent appearances from Viola Davis illustrate that Vaccarro was not the only shrewd individual at the negotiating table and there are some lovely, almost head banging, appearances from Messina as the deal edges ever closer (or does it?). Affleck also appears infrequently, but he is effective - indeed his one set piece scene with the Jordans is actually quite cringeworthy to watch. It's a well known story so the plot hasn't any jeopardy. That said, though, Affleck manages to create a sense of will they/won't they that sustains this characterful and entertaining drama for just short of two hours and puts the engaging dynamic between Damon and Bateman to good use. The script is quickly paced, frequently pithy and has a natural flow to it that - save for Chris Tucker's portrayal of Howard White which I found just a bit too Jesse Jackson for me - all works well. I am not sure this is a film you will remember down the line, but I did enjoy it.