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7 months ago

Black Panther: Wakanda Forever

a review by Per Gunnar Jonsson

I have to admit that I was quite a bit hesitant about this movie. I feared this was one movie where the woke intellectual midgets of Hollywood would go overboard with their nonsense.

Luckily, the movie was more or less free of such rubbish except for maybe the lame “joke” at the end of the movie. If you are one of the woke intellectual midgets watching the movie I am sure you could find some contrived way of construing some message out of it but normal people will probably find it rather woke free.

Overall it was a pretty decent movie actually. Lot and lots of special effects and action of course and, as with Black Adams that I just reviewed, that is the main reason to watch this movie.

Unlike Black Adams, the story as a hole has more Hollywood nonsense in it though. It is good enough to propel the movie from start to finish but that is all.

The main plot of the movie is unfortunately one of those nonsensical bits. Not even a kid (actually she is not really a kid but an adult) having the misfortune of attending one of those depraved grooming and indoctrination institutes they call schools today would be stupid enough to hand over a detector that would put their African home nation in such grave danger.

Then there was that illogical rant from the Queen where she, in a emotional fit, fired her best (only) General. The cognitively impaired sock puppet might do a thing like that but not a real regent.

The part with the French in the UN was also utter rubbish. That was to please the Chinese, who are the ones that would actually do what the movie claimed the French were doing, and nothing else.

Anyway, it is still a decent movie. Certainly a lot better than quite a few Marvel/DC movies that Hollywood has produced over the last couple of years. The special effects are very nice and most of the action is quite cool.

I am somewhat concerned that they picked that rather non-charismatic and overly emotional woman to become the next Black Panther though. After all, she could have re-created the magic flower a lot earlier but instead she let her stubbornness and emotions stand in the way. Not exactly qualities you would want in the Black Panther.