This should survive the test of time. The Lone Ranger and Tonto set out to do good. We get a look at the origins of the Lone Ranger. And most of it is told by Tonto (Johnny Depp in a role that is actually well done). I'm not fond of the many flashbacks, but that's just me. Other than that, the flashbacks are well pieced together into a story, and the story is well molded together. I prefer just an up front telling of the story. That would have given this a higher rating from me, but that's just me. As of now, this movie gets a lot of hate, and there's no understanding for the reason, other than simple contrariness. It isn't "formula" enough for most critics. Still, this film has a lot going for it. The Lone Ranger goes through a lot of turmoil, and he is quite likable in a rogue sort of way. This film is probably more than half comedy. It has more comedy than "Raiders of the Lost Ark" for example, though not as much as "Romancing the Stone", although it comes closer to "Romancing the Stone" in comedy. A lot of this film goes into the supernatural, which is good for the legend of the Lone Ranger. The "theatrics" aren't bought by today's spoiled brats very much, but it looks like a film that will survive the test of time if Western culture stops taking backsteps out of civilization and moves forward. It's just not negative enough for the Beavis and Butthead crowd of today's culture.