Whatever this movie is supposed to have in terms of charm, I missed it. We know what it's about. Ex GIs break into some Vegas businesses for a big heist. However, it is poorly communicated, and it was poorly communicated in the sixties when this was made. Perhaps it made some sense to people as far back as 1960, but I don't get it. Sinatra and the others are supposed to be "cool", but all they do is act like they have superiority complexes, and everyone else buys into it. This is usual for all the brat pack movies then and the brat pack movies today. It was actually worse with the old Ocean's Eleven. I was thoroughly bored with every scene, and didn't care one white about Sinatra and his group. Maybe Peter Lawford was okay, because he seemed bored by the whole "superiority" thing, too. And maybe Sammy Davis Jr. No one else. There were other heist movies. "Five Against the House" was the top one, and although I wasn't overly fond of it, that one still gets three times the rating I give this. Big deal. A 6/10 instead of 2/10. Maybe some of you will find some charm in this, but I didn't.