I stumbled onto Killer Party while looking for April Fool’s day themed horror movies. A slasher movie check. An 80’s horror movie check. Sounds like a good time. Right? Sigh.
Three college friends rush a sorority, and must survive a night in a house where an evil spirit has been awakened.
The potential for the kills could have been good. But no. We don’t get to see the kills. They are mostly off screen and most of the kills are in the last twenty minutes or so. Not a lot of blood either. Though I did like the two fake out starts of the movie. We get to see some zombie-like action while a band is playing.
Acting isn’t that bad. The character that stands out the most for me is Sherry Willis-Burch (her only other horror movie is Final Exam) who plays Vivia, the horny, nerdy, and special effects friend. However, Joanna Johnson (known for nothing in horror and only for being in The Bold and the Beautiful) plays Jennifer, our supposed main character. She is the only one who seems hesitant to first pledge the sorority and then she doesn’t want to go into the house for the party.
Elaine Wilkes (known for just tv shows, nothing genre related) plays Phoebe the third friend who just kind of blends in with the other sorority sisters. Alicia Fleer (known for a couple of tv shows. Again, not genre related) plays Veronica, the mean girl, sorority sister. She at least dies by a trident stabbing.
Killer Party starts with a horror movie playing, and then cuts to a couple making out in a car at a drive in theater. The girl stops him and goes off to get popcorn. She comes back to discover everyone is a zombie while a band is playing. This turns out to be a fake out. Another movie.
We learn three friends are rushing a sorority. The night of the initiation strange occurrences happen which turn out to be pranks. Soon it’s April 1st and their sorority is hosting an April Fool’s day party at that house. This time the pranks do go so well. As the night goes on the tricks are not pranks. Something is killing the party goers. Who will survive? Who is killing everyone?
Killer Party suffers one of the worst crimes of an 80’s slasher: Being boring and the kills are mild, off screen. And you pretty much can figure out who the killer is before the end of the movie. For me, I was really only rooting for one character and I shouldn’t have rooted for anyone. If you’re bored and you like slashers you can put this on while doing other things. Just go in with low expectations.