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almost 2 years ago

The Autopsy of Jane Doe

a review by The Movie Mob

The eerie and compelling first act promises much more than The Autopsy of Jane Doe ultimately delivers.

The Autopsy of Jane Doe starts strong with a mysterious corpse and two coroners who find themselves in greater danger with each clue they uncover to the death of this disturbing body. The first half of the film is fantastic. The tension builds with each passing second. Every new bit of information the characters discover cranks up the anxiety and horror. As the answers become more apparent and more terrifying, so does the fate of the coroners. But once the terror finally begins, the film falls flat. Nothing really happens. Mostly a lot of panic and implied danger, but not a lot is actually shown. What is shown is slightly below average for the typical supernatural horror film. I don’t feel like I wasted my time with this movie, but the excellence of the first half made the mediocrity of the second half much more disappointing.